POV Project – Behind the Curtain

PDF Submission

PDF Slides

Embedded Link to Animation – Youtube

Video on MyBlog – Compressed

Initial Ideas


Character Design – Antoinette

In order to elevate the character, I developed her look for some of the scenes, as seen below:

Character Design – Antoinette’s Coach

I took inspiration from a previous character I created in order to create this new one below:

Style Inspiration

During the process of creating my characters, I took inspiration from the art style in ‘Spongebob’ (thick outlines and eye shape) as well as ‘The Corpse Bride’ (round eyes for the coach character in combination with the muted colour palette).


In order to achieve a larger variety of effects and colours within the limited colour palette I chose, I experimented with various blending modes

In scenes such as this one, I experimented with the use of motion tweens, rather than animating frame by frame, in order to achieve smoother movements.

Sound Editing

When creating the foley sounds, in some I used:

  • The crowd in a riot
  • A microwave timer
  • Moving a can around on a desk
  • Brushing through a washing-up brush
  • Dangling keys

After importing these sounds, I distorted them through manipulating the speed, audio gain and reversing the audio clips, in order to create an ongoing ominous sound that mixed well together.

Other Film Research

Title Brainstorming

Font Experimentation

When choosing a title font, I narrowed down my options to: Agency FB, Bernard MT Condensed, Copperplate Gothic Bold, Copperplate Gothic Light, Gill Sans MT Condensed and Rockwell Condensed. I ended up deciding on using Copperplate Gothic Bold.

Format Experimentation

In these screenshots above, I experimented with a variety of colour choices and chose the last one as I felt it was the most cohesive in the shot.

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