Production Principles


When listening to the given audio, I began writing down things that I felt could be usable.

Developing Scripts

This was our first draft of the script from the Interim 1 Presentation

After finding out from the clients that the statistics said were inaccurate, we tweaked the script a bit


At the start of the pre-production process we researched various artists who had an exaggerated textured style as well as works that contain surreal representations of non-physical entities.

The screenshot below is from our Interim 1 presentation

In order to get a feel of what the clients were looking for, in the interim 1 presentation, we also started looking into colour and character design.

Storyboard Development

Below is a rough storyboard I sketched down for the first client presentation

Omar and I, after recieving feedback stating it was too negative, then started to develop the storyboard further so that the film had a more positive feel.

Initial Rough Animatic

Below is a very rough animatic we made quickly so that we could work out the timing of the various shots. This also helped us get rid of some shots later as we realised it didn’t work well with the sound.

Link to unlisted YouTube version:

Character Design Development

Finalised Storyboard

Interim 2 Presentation Storyboard

Style Shots / Concept Art

Below are some of the scenes drawn and coloured by me:

Finalised Animatic

Once we had decided on which shots to use, we created a finalised animatic for the Interim 2 presentation

Link to unlisted YouTube version:

Animatic without animation incorporated:


This is a short clip showing some experimentation within a shot:

Outcome so far

Short Reel

PDF Submission Slides

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