Week 7 Rotation – Sketching and Drawing

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Zoomed In Sketches


Throughout the process of completing the initial location sketches, I found it quite difficult to draw the subjects in enough detail, enabling me to try a new very simplistic style. As people were moving by very quickly, each line I put down had to have purpose so that I could capture the key characteristics of the people in front of me. After drawing a range of people, I settled on drawing this group of elderly people I saw in a café, as I thought I could develop a good story out of them as they already had a specific dynamic together within their trio.

My story consists of three scenes. The first one portrays the couple arguing as they wait for their friend to join them at the table. As the friend approaches, the couple pretends nothing happened, whilst she reminisces and hands them a photograph of their group. Scene 3 consists of the photo taken when the couple initially met, showing how in love they once were.

When drawing the final scenes, I stuck to a simplistic and muted colour palette, to compliment the minimal line usage in the sketches. I felt this helped set the mood for the first two scenes. For the final scene I tried brightening it slightly, to reflect the happier and brighter time. If I were to do this exercise again, I would probably try incorporating more intricate backgrounds as here I mostly focussed on the characters and their expressions and narrative, rather than location. I think if I focussed more on location, the story could’ve had more context giving greater value and meaning to the viewer.

Initial Ideas

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