Week 3 Rotation – 3D Story Worlds
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Close Ups of Final Render

Finished Render – With Photoshop

Final Render

Pre – Render

As I had never used Maya before, when brainstorming I tried to come up with an idea that I thought I could do in the time frame, as it would take some time for me to get used to the program. My initial idea involved a cold world located in the clouds. I started modelling that idea but throughout the process I decided to change my idea to this, as I wanted to incorporate a character into the world to give it more of a story. I ended up modelling a sad clown who got kicked out of his circus with props he’d use in his performances (juggling balls and balloons), next to some train-tracks.
During the sculpting process I stuck with mostly rounded shapes (spheres, cylinders) to coincide with the youthful feel of the world. Instead of using bright colours for this childlike-themed world, I used a more muted colour palette, to convey the dull mood. Throughout this process, something I struggled with was lighting, as whenever I’d add light it would always be too dark, so when modelling this I experimented a lot with was light-types and positions (as well as camera angles).
Overall, when looking at the final result, I like the colour palette I used and the concept. However, I do feel that the textures are too shiny, and look a bit too much in combination with the large range of colours in the bottom left of the image. In addition to this, if I were to do this again, I would probably add some texture to the ground as I think it is a little too flat, when reflecting.
Extra Photos
Progress Photos
Colour Editing